Biblical Theology

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Every Tuesday, August 30 – Nov. 8, 2022, @ 6-9 PM

Pastor Rodel C. Catuy



Course Description:

This course explains the meaning of biblical theology, examines the way it is developed through the years, defends its legitimacy, and learn the many ways it can shape our biblical perspective that’s true to the content of the Bible and principles of Sola Scriptura.


Course Objectives:

  1. To inspire the participants that understanding and using biblical theology rightly is beneficial and a helpful tool as well for interpreting and applying the Bible.
  2. To develop a greater appreciation for biblical theology and look forward to learn biblical history in an exciting way, and strengthen our faith in God as we discover His mighty acts in redemptive history.
  3. To discipline us in our learning experience the way biblical theology adheres to the teaching of the Bible and how it arranges/organizes its theology.
  4. To grow deeper in our love for Jesus and give our best in sharing the gospel and shine as light to glorify our heavenly Father in the power and guidance of the Ho9ly Spirit.



Course Schedule:


Aug. 30 (Session 01): Intro, Biblical Theology, Building Biblical Theology

  • Basic orientation, development and exploration
  • Historical analysis, acts of God, theological reflection
  • Developments > cultural changes,, theological responses
  • Evangelical developments


Sept. 06 (Session 02) : Evangelical Developments, History and Revelation,

  • Act & Word Revelation, Interconnection
  • Contours of Biblical History > goal, rising and falling, and organic development
  • Examples



Sept. 13 (Session 03) : Biblical Theology: How?

  • God Makes Himself Known
  • Christ Makes Himself Known
  • Knowing God Through Scripture
  • Christ, the Beginning and the End



Sept. 20 (Session 04) : Biblical Theology: What?

  • I AM the First and the Last
  • Creation – Fall – Redemption > Pattern


Sept. 27 (Session 05) :  New Life to the Life of Faith, Good Land, the Fading Shadow


Oct.  04 (Session 06) :  From New Creation to Consummation


Oct.  11 (Session 07) :  Knowing God’s Will, Life After Death


Oct. 18 (Session 08) :  Covenant Theology and Its Importance in Biblical Theology


Oct. 25 (Session 09) :  Exposition of Biblical Covenants


Nov. 02 (Session 10) :  Finals




Course Grading System:

Class Participation and Attendance  –    35 %

Assignments                                         –    20 %

Class Report                                         –   15 %

            Final Paper/Video Presentation        –    30 %

100 %


Course References:


Geerhardus Vos.  Biblical Theology.  USA:  The Banner of Truth, c1948.

Dr. Richard L. Pratt.  Building Biblical Theology.  III Millennium, c 2012.

John Owen.  Biblical Theology.  Soli Deo Gloria, c1994.

Peter Gentry & Stephen Wellum. God’s Kingdom Through God’s Covenants.  Crossway, c 2015.

Graeme Goldsworthy. According to Plan.  IVP, c1991

Graeme Goldsworthy. Christ-Centered Biblical Theology. IVP: c 2012


Charles Partee,  The Theology of John Calvin.  WJK: c 2010.


Werner Keller.  The Bible As History.  Hodder & Stoughton, c 1980

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Course Content

Course Description: This course explains the meaning of biblical theology, examines the way it is developed through the years, defends its legitimacy, and learn the many ways it can shape our biblical perspective that’s true to the content of the Bible and principles of Sola Scriptura. Course Objectives: 1. To inspire the participants that understanding and using biblical theology rightly is beneficial and a helpful tool as well for interpreting and applying the Bible. 2. To develop a greater appreciation for biblical theology and look forward to learn biblical history in an exciting way, and strengthen our faith in God as we discover His mighty acts in redemptive history. 3. To discipline us in our learning experience the way biblical theology adheres to the teaching of the Bible and how it arranges/organizes its theology. 4. To grow deeper in our love for Jesus and give our best in sharing the gospel and shine as light to glorify our heavenly Father in the power and guidance of the Ho9ly Spirit.

  • Orientation and Historical Analysis

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