Personal and Ministry Transformation

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  • January 26 – April 6, 2023 (Thursdays, 6-9pm)
  • Faculty – Dr. Nomer Bernardino 

Personal and Ministry Formation COURSE OBJECTIVES


  1. To equip the students (church leaders and members, potential pastors, church planters) about walking a life that is pleasing to God and appropriate for His service.
  2. To encourage participants to develop basic, practical and Biblical spiritual disciplines which will lead to intimacy with God, spiritual growth, ministry effectivity and warfare victory.
  3. To introduce the ministry of spiritual parenting and mentoring part of discipleship.
  4. To expose students to the basic challenges and pitfalls in our personal walk with God, family and church ministry, and by the grace of God, how to overcome them. If we have time, we will discuss discipline and restoration of fallen believers, leaders and pastors.


 Jan 26,  Session 1 – 
  1. Orientation to the Course, see Feb 15 and April 6, Organize the small groups
  2. The Necessity, Practice and Blessings of Walking with God


Assignment 1: Spiritual Inventory: How is your Walk with God these days? (5%)

Deadline: Submit Jan 30, 12noon

 Feb 2, Session 2 – Basic Personal Spiritual Disciplines
  1. The Perspective about Spiritual Disciplines
  2. The Best Practices of Spiritual Disciplines


  1.  Choose a time of day and a regular space where you can do this discipline. Do it DAILY, do not wait on the week-end to do all of it. Initially, it will feel a burdensome duty, and will take long time, my prayer is after sometime, it will be a delight. If you miss a day, no need to make-up for that day, go on the next day. But you may miss only one day at most a week.
  2. Memorize one passage every week (it is given in bold red print), until you have memorized the nine passages. I may ask you on the spot to recite the MV for the past week (s).
  3. Begin recording your Daily Spiritual Journal (see below) Feb 1 until March 31. Submit your journal on line on April 3, 2023, by 12noon
  4. Listen what the Holy Spirit says to you during the preaching of the word on Sundays. Get the Sermon passage, title and record one main insight the Holy Spirit gives you in one sentence that Sunday. You may miss one Sunday.

[i] It can also be called Personal and Ministry Spiritual Formation. I used the term transformation because I assume that the students have already developed some sort of personal spiritual formation habits, and the course aims to affirm the positive ones learned and improve on those that needs correction.

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Course Content

Orientation to the Course

  • Orientation to the Course, see Feb 15 and April 6, Organize the small groups
  • The Necessity, Practice and Blessings of Walking with God
  • Assignment 1: Spiritual Inventory: How is your Walk with God these days? (5%)

Basic Personal Spiritual Disciplines

Basic Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Parenting

Mentoring and Coaching

Pitfalls in Personal Life and Ministry of Believers, Leaders and Pastors

Overcoming Pitfalls in Pastor’s Life and Ministry

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